Advertise With El Rey

Custom Campaigns for Your Business Needs

WREY Radio Rey has been serving the Latino community for over 45 years. We have custom solutions from traditional radio to event marketing to a full digital agency for all your business needs. 


Through our full service Sales Department, we can provide you with everything you need to air a successful Radio marketing campaign. Our goal with these custom campaigns is to serve up the right customers to you and develop product awareness. 


El Rey Digital offers a unique opportunity to reach and engage your targets whether it be with Email, Display, YouTube, Geo-Fencing, and more. Our digital reach is far beyond the airwaves and can find your Latino demographic anywhere! 

Our Services:

Event Marketing

Event marketing is one of the most popular ways to partner with El Rey. Our seasoned event marketing team has the knowledge and skills to effectively implement a successful campaign. We approach the conception and implementation of events from an insider’s perspective and are business owners ourselves. 

WREY has been involved in scores of event promotions, including promotional ticket giveaways, live remote broadcasts, DJ appearances, in-store promotions, social media, and on-site contests and giveaways. 

To gain optimal business exposure, Radio Rey can coordinate event campaigns with additional services such as an advertising campaign or digital marketing campaign. 

Our event marketing specialists would be glad to discuss your specific needs with you. 

Don’t wait to make your mark in the Latino market. Start your advertising journey with WREY Radio Rey and unlock endless possibilities for your brand’s growth.

Empiece hoy

No espere para dejar su huella en el mercado latino. Comienza tu viaje publicitario con WREY Radio Rey y desbloquea infinitas posibilidades para el crecimiento de tu marca.


Advertise with Radio el rey

We are excited to help you grow your business by reaching our diverse and engaged audience. To get started, please fill out the form below with your business details and advertising preferences. This information will help us tailor our advertising solutions to meet your specific needs and objectives.

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